Building software is fun
That's why I usually build most random ideas that cross my mind.
I like building things I can use, or my friends can use. Here's a selection of things I actually "finished"; they range from 1 weekend experimentations to startups. I'm always happy to chat :) hit me up!
- [
- observability
- start-up ]

Developers are on the front-lines dealing with errors and performance issues every day, but they are not equiped with the right tooling: “logs, metrics and traces” are not enough. You need 3 core concepts:
- High cardinality and dimensionality
- OpenTelemetry
- Great Developer Experience
I started Baselime to solve this problem.
It was a wild ride, building a team, bringing our vision to the world and enabling developers worldwide to solve issues before they become problems.
Baselime has now joined Cloudflare.
- [
- typescript
- vue
- serverless
- saas ]

I’m a tab hoarder. This project is an attempt to solve this problem: a fully serverless application to store all my tabs such that I finally close them. I added a bunch of quality of life features over the months and turned this into a SaaS.
It was mostly a learning experience for me. I explored how to build a completely serverless application: compute, database, storage, queues, webhooks, etc.
- [
- typescript
- python
- spotify ]

I listen to a lot of french rap, and I need the lyrics, fast.
I uses the Genius API to get the song lyrics and it continuously polls the Spotify API to get the current song.
- [
- data-visulaisation
- d3
- javascript ]

I wanted to dig deeper into the results of the 2017 United Kingdom general election, so I built this front-end application to visually present:
- election results
- lost constituencies
- gender representation
- turnout
- majority
This project was mostly a pretext to play with d3.js
- [
- aerospace
- matlab
- statistics ]

For my MSc Aerospace Dynamics thesis, I modified a low-cost commercial fixed wing UAV to instrument it with various sensors such as a pitot tube, an inertial measurement unit, and an air-ground data link.
The instrumentation enabled me to flight test the aircraft and to capture data in various flight conditions.
I used the data to build and validate 2 models of the aircraft:
- a 6 Degrees of Freedom model based on the equations of motion of the aircraft
- a maximum likelihood estimation model based on the statistical analysis of the flight data
This was a lot of fun with Matlab :)